I aquest mail, per una agència de mongòlia que fa tours pel país
I'm Laura, from Spain
I have a question not related to travelling in Mongolia but related with a city in Mongolia. Maybe it sounds strange, but I have asked it to so many places and I don't find any answer, is for this that I'm writting to you
I have a map of the world and in Mongolia, there are five names of cities
Ulan Bator, Darhan, Erdenet, Hovd and Uldz
I like really much the name of the last one, Uldz, and I started to search information about this city, but I don't find anything and I feel really curios with it. Can you tell me anything about this? I have found that Uldz is also a river, but exist any village or city or anything that is call uldz? Do you know something about that?
Thank you very much for your attention
i la resposta
I'm Laura, from Spain
I have a question not related to travelling in Mongolia but related with a city in Mongolia. Maybe it sounds strange, but I have asked it to so many places and I don't find any answer, is for this that I'm writting to you
I have a map of the world and in Mongolia, there are five names of cities
Ulan Bator, Darhan, Erdenet, Hovd and Uldz
I like really much the name of the last one, Uldz, and I started to search information about this city, but I don't find anything and I feel really curios with it. Can you tell me anything about this? I have found that Uldz is also a river, but exist any village or city or anything that is call uldz? Do you know something about that?
Thank you very much for your attention
i la resposta
Dear Laura,
Thank you very much for writing me.
By chance, I'm someone who grew up swimming sometimes in this river. I'm from Bayandun village located at about 8km from the river.
There are only 2 villages located at the bank of Uldz river: Norovlin and Bayan-uul. Bayan-Uul is bigger village where I happened to study 9th and 10th grade of school.
I'm also curious about your curiousity.
seguirem informant. Uldz i Norovlin em sembla que són sinònims
Fixeu-vos on hi diu "other names" (no s'ha pas de ser gaire intel·ligent tampoc)
aviam si quan tingui un moment puc veure finalment com és Uldz.. O Norovlin.. (que no m'enganyen, és una marca de medicaments..)
El dubte de perquè han posat Uldz al mapa que tinc, o perquè deuen ser sinònims, continua a l'ambient... :)
seguirem informant. Uldz i Norovlin em sembla que són sinònims
Fixeu-vos on hi diu "other names" (no s'ha pas de ser gaire intel·ligent tampoc)
aviam si quan tingui un moment puc veure finalment com és Uldz.. O Norovlin.. (que no m'enganyen, és una marca de medicaments..)
El dubte de perquè han posat Uldz al mapa que tinc, o perquè deuen ser sinònims, continua a l'ambient... :)
2 comentaris:
quan set posa una cosa al cap..... xD
només sóc tossuda quan la tossuderia es basa en una tonteria
o sigui, per les coses importants sóc molt poc tossuda
ara, quan és una cosa tan inútil com saber com és Uldz.. que s'aparti tothom
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