la meva recerca d'Uldz (d'imatges d'Uldz) no desisteix
fa cosa d'un mes vaig deixar missatges en diferents fòrums de viatgers i de viatges en busca d'algun mongol, d'algú que li sonès, d'alguna cosa!!!
el missatge
Hi! Maybe it sounds strange, but under my computer I've got a map and, in Mongolia, there are writed five cities, and one of them is Uldz
I felt really curiosity with this city (lovely name) and I searched some information in internet, but I didn't fine nearly anything. I also looked for it on Google Earth and it doesn't appear.
I wrote a mail to the factory that makes the map, to ask why they put Uldz and they haven't answer me
so.. There is someone in the whole internet that can tell me how is Uldz, where it is, how can someone go there, how many people live there, is it beautiful or not, something..?
if you know anything about Uldz, please write me at
please please please. Anything could be great
Thank you
les respostes
As a Mongolian, I have never heard of a place called Uldz. But I think there is a river called Ulz (not Uldz) in north eastern Mongolia, Khentii province. Maybe Uldz is a former Russian way of spelling Ulz. Russians spell Mongolian letter z as dz. For example dzud is zud, snow winter disaster. Any question, please write to
My favorite city name in Mongolia is still "Moron"
Did you check in Google Earth. I hope the right name is on Google Earth
I think I have answered this question somewhere different forum page.
As a Mongolian, I have never heard of a place called Uldz. But I think there is a river called Ulz (not Uldz) in north eastern Mongolia, Khentii province. Maybe Uldz is a former Russian way of spelling Ulz. Russians spell Mongolian letter z as dz. For example dzud is zud, snow winter disaster. Any question, please write to
To find the location, go to the VT TravelGuide page for Uldz:
To the right of where it says "No Picture Available" , click on "Uldz Map" and it takes you to Uldz on Google maps. Doesn't tell you about the place but at least you can see where it is on the map. Use the zoom tool to zoom out and see in relation to the country borders.
Seguirem informant
Des de Mongòlia em diuen que no existeix, que és un riu. Però trobo que Uldz és un sinònim d'una altra ciutat, Norovlin. A més, d'Uldz-ciutat en puc trobar la situació al mapa, o sigui que d'alguna manera ha d'existir
Haig d'escriure un mail a l
'home que fa tours per Mongòlia