diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2007

acabo de rebre un mail

Hi Laura...
I only recently saw your notein the Middle East (Jordan) area of the Couchsurfing Group...
conmcerning your Mediterranean Map[ game...
I thought it was a good idea.....
but I am a "cheater" since i was once a professional map artist (municipality maps for city government, flood control projects, aerial photomaps for zoning, ewtc...) and i come from generations of map people---we sailed long distances over the centuriews....and i also studied Middle Easy History in University...and i enjoytravel in the mediterranean, including barcelona....
but i did what you said, and i tried to immediately draw a map.....without lifting the pen from the paper...I started with the North Africa (Morroccan) part of the Straits of Gibraltar, following aroound through North Africa...covering Morrocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and the Suez Canal, then started up the coast...but my dog was bothering me and needed to immediately go outrsie...he even made me raise the pen off the paper, so i had to finish immediately after he came back in (I always have to take him out on the leash, so it was really a numberof minutes...) thewn i continued where he had interuppted me....following aloong the coastline showinglebanon, Syria and Turkey, then across the map showing Borsphorous and Asia Minor (Thrace and Greece) then across to Italy, around that peninsula over to France and Finishing in Spain, down to Gibraltar.....
but i felt that i needed to show all the major islands, many of which i have visited.....
and then i thought about The Dolphinian Empire...a large area administered by the Dolphins,
who often visitour coast line, in Israel, along with whales.....
