dijous, 20 de desembre del 2007

Feia temps, ara, que no parlàvem d'Uldz. Un amic, no fa pas gaire, em va preguntar "i quan te'n vas, a uldz?" abans de preguntar-me "què tal estàs". Sembla desconfiar que hi aniré. Conec la carretera que porta a Uldz, en sé els altres noms (Norovlin), d'aquí uns anys parlaré rus (cosa que em pot facilitat les coses), ... Uldz! (un dia m'empassaré la llengua pronunciant això). Per què no hi hauria d'anar?

9. Tag: Onon-Aue - Bayaanadrag - Norovlin - Dalt-Berge; 48°51´01´´N, 112°08´44´´E, 1050 m ü NN

Khentii-Aimag: Am Ende des Affen- und zu Beginn des Huhnjahres wird es immer schwieriger, die Tiere mit genügend Futter zu versorgen. Von Schnee und Kälte besonders betroffen sind die Sums Binder, Bayan-Adarga, Norovlin, Batnorov und Bayan-Ovoo.

Day 5
Drive to Khentii, Norovlin. Many breeding pair of the White-naped crane in the river valley. Tent camping.

Onon Balj: River rises on the northern slope of the Khentii Khan Mountain rang e and flows 808 kilometers to join the Shilka River in the Russian federation. For its first 447 kilometers Onon river flows through Mongolia. The Onon river abounds in fish for instance Sturgeon, Taimen, Lenok,Amur Chub,Amur Pike, Khadary, Amur Grailing, Amur, barbell, golden Carp and burbot. In the valley of the Onon river are found White napped Crane, Swan Goose, anf other rare birds. The Balj River an eastern tributary of Onon River. Many local places are mentioned in the Secret History of the Mongols` such as Baljiin Aral, dalanbaljuud, Khutukhul. An area comprising 4157.5 square kilometers in Dadal, Binder, Norovlin and Bayan Adraga soums of Khentii aimag and Bayan-Uul soum of Dornod aimag was taken under state protection with two parts in By Parliament resolution 29.

Onon-Balj. An area comprising 415.752 hectares in Dadal, Binder, Norovlin and Bayan-Adarga soums of Khentii aimag, and Bayan-Ulaan soum of Dornod aimag was taken under state protection with two parts (A and B) in 2000 by Parliament resolution No 29.
The area forms an unique and inter characteristic geographical environment by entering deep to the south along the Siberian forest, taiga and mountains from the northern part of Mongolia, and from the south to the north through arid desert-steppe and valleys of Central Asia.